Get that flash off camera and get lit!

This is the official blog for the LUMU! shoot shop photography workshops! Breaking news, interviews with photographers, models, votes, and more will be held here. After all, it's you guys who really run the show!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Florida LUMU! - Model Highlight

Erin Liberty
St Petersburg, FL

Erin is special friend of mine, and was actually the first model that I have photographed. She is super fun to be around, and has a "glowing" ora about her which definitely shows in her work!

When we started casting for the FL LUMU!, I immediately thought of Erin! You guys are going to love her! We had the chance to catch up with Erin a few weeks ago and chat a bit. This is how it went down.

What's your story?
I am 31 years old. I am married to my a wonderful man named David and am the mother of two precious little boys, Cameron, age 3 and Christian, age 8. My family is my life! I am a registered nurse and work in the Day Surgery department of a hospital in St. Petersburg. I have an extensive background in antepartum, postpartum, and pediatric nursing.

When did you get into modeling?
I started modeling when I was a toddler for Joann Fabrics (lol). I also modeled here and there throughout my childhood until I was about 18. I have quite a bit of experience in musical theatre and vocal performance. I have been singing since I was a small child, but unfortunately, never fully realized my dream of becoming a professional vocalist because of some bad experiences with a manager. I started modeling again in January of last year at the advice of a local photographer. In the last year, I have had the opportunity to meet a lot of photographers and models and I even shot my first magazine cover!

What kind of stuff do you like to do, besides model?
My husband and I are avid boaters. We love to be on the water. I also enjoy shopping and am a huge football fan. I'm a rabid Gator fan! Go Gators! Go Bucs!

Do you have any pets?

Oh yes! I have two dogs, three cats, and several fish.

What's your favorite food?
Sushi, hands down.....I think I could easily survuve solely on sushi!

Ever been shot by 50 photographers at once?
Not yet, but I'm looking forward to this experience!

What are your goals?
I'd love to pursue my dream of becoming a professional vocalist and professional model. I also look forward to continuing my education in the field of nursing, but most importantly, I want to be the best mother and wife I can be!

Photo credits:
Top:Tampa Bay Photos
Middle: Tampa Bay Photos
Bottom: Haskins Photography