A growing trend among photographers these days is to run a blog. In fact, in my opinion a photographer should invest more time and money in their blog, than on their website. You will get on average, 3-4 times as much traffic on your blog, then you would on your website, and blog is indexed very easily through Google search.
A blog offers a sense of "Transparency," that your clients and friends will dearly appreciate. It's like saying, "hey...I've got nothing to hide."
There are so many places to download blog templates that 6 million other people are using, but then the problem surfaces; how do you stand out?
Enter Flosites
100% custom made blog designs matched to your personality. If you are ultra serious about blogging and want a place to call "home" on the internet, then Ross and the crew at Flosites are your best choice.
I've compiled a very small list of photographers blogs who I know have been designed by Flosites for your viewing pleasure, just to give you a taste of what they can offer (which is ANYthing, because its custom)!
Here's how it went down!
Where did the name, "Flosites" come from?
Flosites stands for foto lovers open sites. It was a collaboration of a few on the team just brainstorming and then we came up with that.
What's your favorite thing to do, besides designing websites and blogs?
O you got me! lol, i love spending time with my wife, friends, going biking, and working in charity work which i grew up doing throughout my teenage years.
Your favorite food?
Im a pizza-holic, but also love thai food.
Is this just a one man show, or do you have different designers?
No Im not alone :). We have several different designers and we all work together to create a finished product.
We heard you were a pretty good photographer too. Which one do you like better; design, or photography?
Hard choice, I love both, but photography is more of my hobby whereas design work is my work. They are equal in my eyes.
What are your goals for this year?
Top secret :) keep your eyes peeled for the new things coming!
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